Roeder Real Estate Auction
Saturday, December 10th, 2022 at 1:30 PM
Location: Silver Lake Community Center, located at 404 E. Lake St., Silver Lake, Kansas
Property consists of: 184 deeded acres, M/L, of Soldier Creek Bottom Farmland - To be offered in 4 tracts
Seller: Roeder Implement Co., Inc
View the Sale Bill: click here
Tract 1: DCP Cropland 90.95; Base Acres - Corn 43.93, Soybeans 43.93
Tract 2: DCP Cropland 47.54; Base Acres - Corn 22.96, Soybeans 22.96
Tract 3: DCP Cropland 34.68; Base Acres - Corn 16.76, Soybeans 16.76